Counseling, Multicultural, Counselor, CompetenceAbstract
The diversity of cultures and individual backgrounds requires counselors to have competence and sensitivity to culture in providing counseling services. In the context of an increasingly multicultural society, counselors must be able to understand and respect cultural differences and consider their influence in the counseling process. This includes not only differences in language and traditions, but also the values, beliefs, and norms that influence the way individuals understand and respond to life's problems. This research describes how counselors can integrate and apply competency standards in the multicultural counseling process. The aim of this research is to examine the alignment between counselor competency standards and their application in the counseling process. This research uses a literature study method. Data was collected from a study of books, journals, and other sources to explain multicultural counseling, its position as a basic potential counselor, the role of multiculturalism in the implementation of counseling, competency standards for multicultural counselors, and the counseling process. The result of this research is multicultural skills, knowledge, and awareness are important for counselors to have in the counseling process.