development, parents, rolesAbstract
Development is an inevitable thing of every individual's life. Development is the increase in more complex body structures and functions in gross locomotion, fine motion, speech and language as well as socialization and independence. Development is the result of the interaction of the maturity of the central nervous system with neuromuscular, speech, emotion and socialization. Development must be faced by every child from the time he is born in the world to leaving the world. In this period of development many influencing factors can cause development to lead to positive and negative. At moments like this, the role of parents is very influential so that the changes that occur in their children lead to positive development. The role of parents is to provide assistance, provide input when they feel their child begins to lead to negative development. But what happens today is that many parents do not understand their influence in mentoring is very important. Parents think if children are schooled the development that occurs to their children leads in a positive direction.