Research Trends in Information Technology: A Bibliometrics Analysis of IEEE Indonesian Section Conferences
IEEE Indonesia Section, Scholarly Publication, Research Trends, Citation Analysis, Open Access, Author Collaboration, Bibliometric AnalysisAbstract
This study provides a comprehensive analysis of the Indonesian IEEE Section conferences in information technology, examining its structure, research trends, author collaboration, and citation patterns. By leveraging bibliometric techniques, we investigate the factors influencing the visibility and impact of research conducted within the Indonesian IEEE community. The study utilized a comprehensive dataset of scholarly publications from the top five Indonesian IEEE Section conferences held between 2020 and 2023. The data was extracted from the IEEE Xplore digital library, encompassing information on paper’s unique characteristics and its contributions to the field. The collected data was analyzed using bibliometric techniques provided by and Publish or Perish to uncover patterns in subject areas, authorship patterns, thematic areas, and citation impact covered by the proceedings. The result of this study provides valuable insights for researchers and policymakers seeking to comprehend the current state and future trajectory of information technology research within Indonesia.