The Influence of Social Media Marketing and Brand Trust on Repurchase Interest with Customer Satisfaction As An Intervening Variable
Digital BusinessAbstract
This study aims to explore the interest in repurchase interest. The object of this study was done in Muara Café and Space. The research hypothesis that there was a positive influence of social media marketing, brand trust and customer satisfaction on the Muara Café and Space’s customer repurchase interest. Social media marketing is hypothesized mostly from the increasing interaction that occurs on social media used by Muara Café and Space. This type of research was quantitative exploratory research, with 120 respondents. The analysis tool used was SEM-PLS that able to measure the complex causality between the variables. The results of this study showed that social media marketing had a positive and significant effect directly on repurchase interest. As well as the brand trust had a positive and significant influence on repurchase interest through customer satisfaction as an intervening variable. Based on the results of this study, it could be concluded that social media marketing and brand trust were able to increase repurchase interest in Muara Cafes and Space.