The Influence Of Training and Work Environment to Employee Performance of Kediri City Health Office Employees


  • Titin Susanti Universitas STRADA Indonesia
  • Endah Wulan Safitri Universitas STRADA Indonesia
  • Rifka Sari Pratiwi Universitas STRADA Indonesia
  • Bonifacius Vicky Indriyono Universitas STRADA Indonesia


Training, Work Environment, Employee Performance


Abstract. Every government organization and business entity is working to maximize the utilization of the resources at their disposal as the digitalization era advances. Every division unit must be able to adjust fast and operate consistently. Employee performance determines an organization's chances of success in reaching its objectives. Thus, in addition to determining the impact of training provision and the work environment on the performance of Kediri City Health Service officers, the problem formulation in this research is to ascertain the effect of the training provided on the performance results of Kediri City Health Service officers and how the work environment influences their performance. Multiple linear analysis was the study methodology employed, with purposive random sampling of 100 employees. The results of regression calculations suggest that training has a partial influence on employee performance, with a significant value of 0.03. The work environment variable has a significance value of 0.00 on employee performance, with respondents' perception results of 90.33%, while the f test results show a positive and significant simultaneous influence of training and the work environment on employee performance. The data yields an R-Square value of 0.793, indicating that training and work environment variables influence employee performance results by 79.3%, with the remaining influenced by other variables.





