The Role of Design Thinking and Technology in Innovation: A Bibliometric Analysis to Enhance Property Business Development


  • Rizki Hidayatulloh Bisnis Digital Universitas Negeri Surabaya

Kata Kunci:

Design thinking, Technology Integration, Innovation, Property development, Bibliometric Analysis



The property sector has experienced transformative innovation, driven by technology and the convergence with design thinking. This paper presents a bibliometric analysis, examining the integration of strategic frameworks and design thinking approaches within the property sector, with a focus on technological applications. The study explores the structural development of the property sector to enhance customer value and synthesizes data on current innovation trends, best practices, challenges, and future projections. By assessing patterns and academic contributions in this area, the study provides insights into varying applications of technology-driven design thinking across different business scopes, particularly in terms of aesthetic and functional improvements. The findings aim to inspire stakeholders to adapt and meet evolving industry demands sustainably. Through a bibliometric perspective, the study highlights design thinking and technology as pivotal tools for advancing the property sector. 




