Keynote Speakers
Prof. Hiroki Fujii, Ph.D.
Director of Okayama University ESD Promotion Centre, Japan
Hiroki Fujii, Ph.D. Professor, Graduate School of Education, Okayama University. As a Director, of Okayama University Education for Sustainable Development Promotion Center. Coordinator of the JSPS Core-to-Core Program “Formation of International Center of Excellence to Promote Teacher Education on ESD”. One of the priority action areas of the GAP is to increase the capacities of educators and trainers to deliver more effectively ESD so that teacher education institutions are expected to distribute pre-service and in-service training on ESD. Subsequently, the International Network of Teacher Education Institutions Associated with the UNESCO Chair on Reorienting Teacher Education to Address Sustainability, whose eighth international conference was hosted by the Okayama Regional Centre of Expertise on ESD in November 2014, seeks to spread ESD internationally, based on various national and regional results of ESD. Moreover, international cooperation in education pursues the implementation of ESD in developing countries, especially to promote teacher training on ESD. These requests have highlighted the future direction of international collaboration for the advancement of teacher education on ESD. He will discuss Formation of the International Center of Excellence to Promote Teacher Education on ESD. It aims to collaboratively develop teacher training programs on ESD based on lesson study and to propose Asian standards, in coordination with core institutions on teacher education in East Asia (China, Japan, Korea, and Mongolia) and Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Laos, and Myanmar). Based on the development of the programs, it pursues to establish core institutions on ESD, to construct academic networks between these institutions, and to train future generations of researchers on ESD.
Assoc. Prof. Tony Loughland, Ph.D.
University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia
Tony Loughland is an Associate Professor and Deputy Head of School (Research) in the School of Education at the University of New South Wales. Tony is an experienced educator who likes to think that theory should be the plaything of practice. Tony is currently leading projects on mentoring conversations on professional experience, the role of job demands and resources on the job intentions of graduate teachers and professional growth cultures in schools. Tony will discuss transformative learning of SDGs in Higher Education. Mainstreaming Education for the SDGs can be difficult within existing university structures, and deeper transformations in how universities operate will be needed to ensure this happens fast enough and deep enough. This guide aims to inspire universities to take action and support them through this process, regardless of their context, capacity, or starting point. It does this by offering practical approaches and guidance, including the case for action, the different ways Education for the SDGs can be implemented in a university, the outline of a strategic implementation process, the roles of different stakeholders, how to overcome common barriers, and in-depth analysis of transformative examples.
Prof. Dr. Ir. Riri Fitri Sari MM MSc.
Chairperson of UI Greenmetric, Indonesia
Prof. Dr. Ir. Riri Fitri Sari MM MSc. There will be a lot of discussion about how important it is to be a tertiary institution that has principles and goals in line with the globally mandated SDGs. The strategy of higher education institutions in Indonesia and abroad, especially those selected for the UI Greenmetric, is an indicator that these tertiary institutions play a large role in achieving the SDGs through academic activities, research, and social activities that involve people from all walks of life.
Assoc. Prof. Muhammad Abd Hadi Bunyamin, Ph.D
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia
Assoc. Prof. Muhammad Abd Hadi Bunyamin, Ph.D. will provide an overview of the urgency of STEM integration on SDGs for Future Education. The potential of research interests in STEM integration particularly on how new science teachers integrate engineering and technology into science lessons. STEM education can help learners acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that are essential for achieving the SDGs. For example, STEM education can foster critical thinking, problem-solving, creativity, innovation, collaboration, communication, and ethical awareness. These are all key competencies for finding solutions to complex and multidimensional challenges, such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions, ensuring food security, or improving access to clean water and sanitation. Moreover, STEM education can inspire learners to become active and responsible citizens who can participate in decision-making processes and take action for sustainable development.
Junaidi Budi Prihanto, S.KM., M.KM., Ph.D
Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
Vice-Rector for Research, Community Service, Innovation, Publications, and University Ranking
Junaidi Budi Prihanto is a graduate of Hiroshima University, Japan. The research focus is Health Promotion in Public Health. Many research and publications have been produced in the field of public health. This is also in line with SDGs, Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. A significant portion of the global population still lacks access to vital healthcare services. To bridge this gap and ensure equitable healthcare provision, addressing disparities is critical. Various determinants of health, including environmental and commercial factors, need attention to pave the way for achieving our common objective of Health for All and achieving the Sustainable Development Goal targets. Issues that will be presented at ICSSF include discussions regarding An internationally represented board meeting of Global Health Research and Policy determined that for an issue to fall under the description of what global health is, three identifiable factors must be present: • Global health deals with health and medical issues that have a worldwide impact. • The solutions to these global health concerns must also have the potential for a worldwide impact. • When working on global health issues, academic and scientific research is used to improve health everywhere and to minimize inequities in treatment. Although diseases, disorders and maladies that affect millions of people are most likely included when global health is discussed, the true concept reaches far beyond identifying problems and tracking numbers. It focuses on understanding not only the illnesses themselves but also the surrounding influential factors that impact causes and contribute to solutions.
Dr. Bagus Muljadi
University of Nottingham, UK
Bagus facilitates partnerships between UK and Indonesia higher education and research institutions. Through the UK-Indonesia Consortium for Interdisciplinary Sciences (UKICIS) we help the UK and Indonesia governments manifest stronger collaborations in research and innovation. His expertise lies at the interface between applied mathematics, physics, and engineering, with applications in geothermal, bio-architecture, semiconductor, peatland, and others involving flow in complex geometries. He is a member of the GeoEnergy Research Centre, and the Environmental Fluid Mechanics and Geoprocesses Research Group. Bagus will discuss current research on SDGs. Bagus will discuss Science, technology, and innovation for the SDGs. Evidence demonstrates that partnerships across sectors and disciplines, including science, technology, and innovation (STI) cooperation, offer hope for innovative approaches to advance the SDGs. Digital and other technological advances offer new possibilities across sectors and communities. Studies could examine the current status of achieving the SDGs and how STI can facilitate their achievement in the context of the economic crisis, the COVID-19 pandemic, and conflicts including the war.
Invited Speakers
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eko Hariyono
State University of Surabaya, Indonesia
Eko Hariyono is an associate professor in science education who is very diligent in introducing Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and SDGs at Unesa, especially in the field of geoscience education related to climate change through research, learning, and community service activities. Currently active in the international research organization related to climate change (ATECCE). The challenge of climate change is a serious concern and needs to be packaged in research and learning that will be able to educate the public regarding the impacts and actions of climate change. Based on experience, it is known that science education has great potential in realizing sustainable development goals through creating a better and more mature society in understanding the meaning of the environment now and in the future.
Asst. Yuli Sutoto Nugroho, M.Sc.
Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom
Yuli Sutoto Nugroho is a second-year PhD student at Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom. He focuses on research-related education. His interests explore how lecturer presence impacts learning by measuring learners' body condition, such as eye and face, and distance learning. He is a lecturer at Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Husni Mubarok, M.Sc.
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Husni Mubarok is a Ph.D. Candidate in Graduate Institute of Digital Learning and Education, National Taiwan University of Science and Education. His research focuses on Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education and STEM education. In his discussion, he will explore various AI paradigms in education, such as Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS), Learning Companion Systems (LCS), and Learning Analytics. The incorporation of AI in education carries significant implications for advancing Sustainable Development Goal 4 (Quality Education). It contributes to the promotion of lifelong learning, offers personalized learning experiences, and elevates the overall quality of education through tailored, interactive, and engaging learning encounters.
Asst. Prof. Achmad Wachidul Kohar, M.Pd.
Michigan State University, East Lansing, United States
Ahmad Wachidul Kohar is an assistant professor in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science, who is currently taking a Ph.D. Program in Mathematics Education at Michigan State University, The USA. His research interests include the role of teachers in developing students’ numeracy, which is the capacity to reason mathematically and to formulate, employ, and interpret mathematics to solve problems in a variety of real-world contexts, as one of the main agendas for SDG No 4. Thus, teachers across disciplines are challenged with practicing teaching which ensures the existence of inclusive and equitable quality education to advance their students’ numeracy. In educational practices, those challenges are becoming increasingly complex, and calls for strategies due to the exclusionary culture persist despite strong commitments to equity-directed teaching to strengthen students' numeracy. As such, to equip students with the necessary skills to navigate these challenges as numerate citizens, teachers should also embrace their responsibilities and become more aware of the complex socio-political and environmental concerns and how those concerns impact their teaching practices. Ahmad will discuss the strategy of advancing students’ numeracy by promoting equitable teaching practices, selecting and developing tasks to promote students’ numeracy, and fostering numeracy in multi-discipline through embedding numeracy across the curriculum.
Mohd Zaidi Bin Amiruddin
Indonesia University of Education, Indonesia
Mohd Zaidi is currently a Doctoral Student in the Science Education Study Program at the Indonesian Education University. Mohd Zaidi will discuss the development of learning assessments for students in schools that refer to Misconceptions, Conceptual Change, and Student Mental Models in supporting ESD with the help of several software. The study explored by Mohd Zaidi will refer to cognitive psychology related to learning theories from previous experts. Through in-depth research, it is expected to offer solutions and learning approaches to support SDGs No. 4.
Iqbal Ainur Rizki
Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Iqbal Ainur Rizki, S.Pd. is a Master of Education student at Victoria University of Wellington. Iqbal is a former outstanding student of Surabaya State University who actively participated in SDGs-related scientific paper competitions. For example, he has innovated forest fire smoke degradation technology in realizing SDGs 13 and 15. However, at this moment he will discuss the relationship between digital education and the actualization of SDGs. This will reveal new insights into how the development of digital technology in education can help achieve the SDGs, highlighting the importance of Education for Sustainable Development.