For Registration Click Here
For Payment Method
Virtual Account Number (VA) BTN: 94220914231191XXXX
- This can be done at all Bank BTN counters throughout Indonesia
- Fill out the Cash Deposit Form
- No extra charge / free
- Payments are made during office operating hours 08.00 – 15.00
Payment through ATM machines and Bank BTN m-banking
- Must have an account at Bank BTN
- For transactions via m-banking, you must have a mobile banking app in your smartphone
- Free of cost
- Realtime can be done 24 hours
Step by Step: Sign in mobile banking user - Enter password - Login - Select the Payment (Pembayaran) menu - Choose a Virtual Account (VA) - Enter the VA Number - Enter the nominal to be paid - Enter Pins
Payment via Other Bank Channels
- This can be done through other bank teller counters by filling out a transfer form to another bank and is subject to a transfer fee of IDR 2,900
- It can be done in other banks' m-banking applications by using the transfer menu to other banks and is charged Rp 6,500