MBKM and Sustainability: Design for Creativity and Innovation Ecosystem Creation in a Global Business Context
De Montfort University, global business, innovative, MBKM MKIBG, Parahyangan Catholic University, sustainabilityAbstract
Merdeka Belajar – Merdeka Campus (MBKM) is an innovative program developed by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbudristek) of the Republic of Indonesia to facilitate students in honing their skills according to their talents and interests outside of campus. The MBKM program generally provides undergraduate and applied undergraduate students with the right to study for three semesters outside the study program adopted according to the universities’ vision, mission, targets and strategies. MBKM Management of Creativity and Innovation in Global Business (MKIBG) is an innovative MBKM program created by Parahyangan Catholic University based on collaboration with external parties, namely De Montfort University. This manuscript will explain the input, process and output design of the innovative MBKM program (UNPAR's typical MBKM) in utilizing the collaborative process in the field of higher education tridharma (teaching, research and community service) to create sustainable collaboration with external parties. Through the MBKM MKIBG program, it is hoped that lecturers and students can create an ecosystem of creativity and innovation in the context of global business actively and collaboratively, as well as prepare university students as global citizens. Apart from that, the design of the MBKM MKIBG process is also in line with the achievement of the main performance indicators of higher education, especially KPI-2: Students Gain Experience Outside Campus, KPI-6: Study Program in Collaboration with World Class Partners, and KPI-7: Class that Collaborative and Participative. It is hoped that the creation of innovative MBKM will attract students' interest in participating in the MBKM program.
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