From Social Media to Checkout: The Influence of Social Media Marketing on Purchase Intentions on Tokopedia
Brand Awareness, purchase intention, social media marketing, trust, TokopediaAbstract
This study aims to analyze the effect of Social Media Marketing (SMM) on consumers' purchase intention on Tokopedia, focusing on Brand Awareness and Trust as mediating variables. A quantitative survey method was employed, collecting data from active Tokopedia users who engage with the platform through social media. The data was analyzed using regression analysis to examine the relationships between SMM, brand awareness, trust, and purchase intention. The questionnaire was distributed to Tokopedia users to obtain a representative sample. Path analysis was conducted using SPSS and AMOS.
The findings reveal that SMM has a significant positive effect on both Brand Awareness and Trust, which in turn enhance consumers’ purchase intention. Brand awareness acts as a mediator that strengthens the relationship between SMM and purchase intention, while trust also plays a significant role in encouraging purchasing behavior. These results offer insights for companies, especially Tokopedia, on leveraging SMM to boost brand awareness and build consumer trust. Effective social media marketing strategies can encourage purchasing behavior and foster long-term trust among consumers. This study also contributes to the literature on the impact of SMM in the Indonesian e-commerce context, with a specific focus on Tokopedia. The findings are relevant for developing more effective marketing strategies to attract consumer attention and build long-term relationships.
Keywords – Social Media Marketing; Purchase Intention; Brand Awareness; Trust; Tokopedia.
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