Analysis of Objective Test Type of Multiple Choice in Final Semester Assessment Problems (PAS) Japanese Language Class VI


  • Cahyani Khayati Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Miftachul Amri Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Syamsul Sodiq Universitas Negeri Surabaya


Item analysis, Validity, Reliability, Difficulty level


Researchers will describe the quality of the Final Assessment (PAS) items for the 2019 and 2020 Odd Semester Academic Year in the Japanese language subject class VI MI Khairu Ummah by looking at the terms of validity, reliability, and level of difficulty. The researcher took a sample of 35 students and 20 multiple-choice items related to PAS items to the 2019 and 2020 academic years. The primary data source was the teacher’s objective multiple-choice items type test to know the Odd Semester Final Assessment. The quality of the items in Japanese class VI has as many as 12 items (60%) are valid, and 8 questions (40%) are invalid. After calculating the validity test, the reliability results for the 2019 academic year amounted to 0.7549 where r11 is greater than 0.60. Therefore, it can be concluded that it is a high category. In the reliability test of the Final Semester Assessment test for the 2020 academic year, it was found that the r11 reliability coefficient was 0.5035 where r11 was smaller than 0.60. It can be concluded that test items for the 2020 academic year in the form of multiple-choices that presented 20 items and were followed by 35 students had moderate reliability. The calculation results of the items difficulty level in the Odd Semester for the 2019 Academic Year, it is found that there were 5 items (20%) were classified as easy, 9 items (45%) were moderate, 6 items (30%) were classified as difficult. The 20 items presented in the Odd Semester 2020 Academic Year have 4 items (20%) were easy, 10 items (50%) were moderate, and 6 items (30%) were classified as complex.




How to Cite

Khayati, C., Amri, M., & Sodiq, S. (2021). Analysis of Objective Test Type of Multiple Choice in Final Semester Assessment Problems (PAS) Japanese Language Class VI. Proceeding Series of International Conference on Arts and Humanities, 1. Retrieved from