Preferensi Gen Z Terhadap Kemajuan Teknologi Pada Aplikasi TikTok dan Youtube
Tik Tok; YouTube; Teenager ; Behavior; Interest.Abstract
This research was conducted with the aim of providing information about Gen Z’s preferences for technological advances on the
TikTok and YouTube applications. Especially after the Covid-19 pandemic, Tik Tok has become one of the most downloaded
applications by teenagers. The research approach used in this research is quantitative research, using data in the form of numbers as a tool to analyze information. This research approach uses a phenomenological approach. YouTube has a lower appeal, due to several factors, one of the factors that make teenagers more attracted to the TikTok application is that on YouTube there are many ads that cannot be directly skipped. On YouTube, videos are served longer, so it seems more impractical. When using YouTube, you need to find the video You want to watch first. But on TikTok random videos will appear on the homepage according to the videos that are widely watched and liked. Teenagers tend to prefer to open the YouTube application when they are going to listen to songs