Komunikasi Sosial Dalam Stratifikasi Masyarakat Suku Makassar


  • Zelfia Zelfia Universitas Muslim Indonesia, Indonesia
  • Andi Aulia Suci Ramadhani Universitas Muslim Indonesia, Indonesia


Social Communication , Stratification, Makassar Tribe


This study aims to understand Social Communication Patterns in the Stratification of the Makassar Tribe community
which is a bridge for each layer so that they are able to build good relationships even though there are differences. This study uses qualitative methods with descriptive analysis. The research location is in Borisallo Village, Parangloe District, Gowa Regency.
Collecting data using observation techniques, interviews, and documentation. The informants in this study were the people of Borisallo Village, totaling 6 people. The results of this study can show that based on analysis and data findings through the process of direct observation interviews with several informants and references from several theories, that social communication in social stratification of the Makassar tribe in Borisallo Village, Parangloe District, Gowa Regency has existed for a long time and is still being maintained until now. because the village is still a traditional village whose people still adhere to the customs of the village. One of the forms of stratification in the Borisallo village community is because of the hereditary layer that is considered legitimate by the community. The layer is divided into 3 layers namely the upper layer, the middle layer (ordinary), and the lower layer (Ata'). Communities are able to live side by side because they carry out their respective functions. At the top layer according to heredity there is a special title that not just anyone can have, namely the title Karaeng. The pattern of communication carried out by the people of the village of Borisallo in this social layer, namely mutual understanding and respect, they build good communication by mutual respect for each layer. The pattern of communication is carried out by exchanging information, solving problems in a family manner, in order to avoid misunderstandings between layers. Communication becomes a bridge for each layer to interact and understand each other


