Komunikasi Perubahan Sosial Masyarakat Dalam Menerima Suatu Berita Hoax Di Era Digital


  • Shofwan Dana Winarta Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Gilang Jibriel Aqsha Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Ficko Aryaduta Prasetya Anoraga Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Tatak Setiadi Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia


Hoax, Communication, Digital Era, Sosial Change


The research we conducted aims to find out how the audience's ability to receive valid news in the digital era,
where currently news can be easily circulated throughout the community so that hoax news can also be easily
circulated. Therefore, in this digital era, people are required to be able to sort out the news they receive
whether the news is true or just a lie. In this study, we used qualitative research methods by conducting an
interview with several questions for students and the general public. Our purpose in conducting interviews
was to find out how students responded to the news they had just received, whether they immediately
received it or were still looking for the validity of the news. After the audience answered questions about
hoax news, we got results that could be said to be varied. Based on the results of interviews, we see that most
people receive information or news from Twitter and Instagram. If they receive a news, most of them do not
immediately spread the news and are still looking for the source of the news. Public opinion about why hoax
news is more easily accepted by the general public varies. Some say because most people only read the title
when reading the news, because the critical power of the community is still not strong, because of the lack of
government supervision regarding the spread of hoax news, and so on. The conclusion we get from the
interviews is that most people are still less selective in sorting news so that there are still many people who are
victims of hoax news.


