Tren Gaya Hidup Minimalis di Sosial Media dan Dampaknya Pada Mahasiswa


  • Robert Tansen Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Putri Nurrahma Maulidya Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Farrel Yusuf Ilham Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Jauhar Wahyuni Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia


Minimalist, lifestyle, social media, social chang


This study aims to examine the trend of a minimalist lifestyle that is currently spreading on social media and also its impact on
students through the perspective of social change in communication science. This research was carried out using descriptive
qualitative research, using questionnaires distributed to students who had seen minimalist lifestyle content on social media and
followed the topic out of their own interest. The method used is phenomenology, where researchers try to see directly the phenomena
that occur and examine in depth through the perspective of the perpetrators. The selection of respondents was carried out in a
closed manner in order to obtain relevant results and in accordance with the initial purpose of the study, namely to find out the
true impact of the trend under study. The results of this study indicate that social media is very influential in the individual
decision-making process. In addition, it proves that social media can be an effective channel for spreading social change. The end
result, the impact felt by the research subjects is the existence of savings in spending, increasing productivity in doing work. In
addition, there is a reduction in stress and a sense of relaxation after following the practice of a minimalist lifestyle. In addition,
the research subjects are also interested in redistributing the information they get and being persuasive towards those closest to
them, so that they too become agents of social change and expand the impact they feel.


