Digitalisasi Pendidikan di Masa Pandemi COVID-19


  • Muhammad Wildan Firmansyah Putra Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Risky Budi Putra Mahardika
  • Maulana Syahputra Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia


Teaching, Learning, Digital Age, COVID19


his journal will explore how the dynamics of education in the current digitalization era are. In the current era of digitalization, technological
developments are developing very quickly and relentlessly from various sectors in the field of education. The development of the digital era, allows
students and students to gain newer knowledge. When the COVID- 19 pandemic hit the world, technological developments in education were far
more developed than before. The development of this technology also has a very big impact on the people who carry it out, who previously did face-to-face
learning nowhave to use distance learning using a cellphone or laptop, that's where there is the first problem, namely before the covid 19 pandemic a
lot of people were lacking able to have gadgets. With learning that is converted to online, we are required to have a smooth internet network, the second
problem is that the internet network often experiences disturbances becausemany people use it, therefore most people will go to coffee shops or cafes to
do learning. And when they go to a coffee shop or café they will not focus on learning because they will talk with their friends or focus more on playing
with other gadgets. This online learning is done with applications such as Zoom Online, Google Meet, Google Teams, and others. Learning in this
application can be said to be not very efficient even though people who follow can do it on cam or onmic because most people must be doing other
activities or even sleeping. We use descriptive qualitative methods with the aim of informing that the current era has advanced and many have used
online learning even though the COVID-19 pandemic is no longer there


