Representasi Lagu ‘Untungnya, Hidup Harus Tetap Berjalan’ Karya Bernadya Dalam Mengeksplorasikan Komunikasi Emosional Mahasiswa


  • Yasmin Dian Ramadaiya Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Ganendra Puspa Jayanti Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Achmad Ghany Affandi Universitas Negeri Surabaya


komunikasi emosional, Musik, kesehatan mental, Mahasiswa, analisis semiotika


Mental health is an important aspect of every individual’s life and covers
all ages including university students. The need for an outlet to stay mentally
healthy is one of them by listening to music that suits the mood. That way students
can concentrate more on completing their academic assignments. This study aims
to analyze the representation of the song “Untungnya, Hidup Harus Tetap Berjalan”
by Bernadya in the context of emotional communication among students. Using interpretative qualitative methods and Roland Barthes semiotic analysis, this
research explores how this song serves as a means of expression and emotional
connection. The results show that students feel a strong emotional connection with
the song’s lyrics, which reflect their experiences of facing challenges in academic
and social life. In addition, the song acts as a communication tool that makes it
easier for students to express their feelings and strengthen social support. The
findings provide important insights into the role of music in students’ mental health
and emotional well-being. 


