Fenomena Laki-Laki Pejuang Feminisme Pada Generasi Z


  • Muhammad Restu Aji Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Satria Adi Bima Sakti Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Laila Fadzia Maulia Uma Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia


Man’s, Femenism Fighters, Generation z


This research was conducted to show how the phenomenon of men on the issue of feminism in the digital era. The type of research
used is qualitative research. This research is a research process that has a descriptive nature and tends to use analysis. For the
research method, the author uses a case study method of new phenomena that occur in the community with Girl Up Unesa as the
resource person. The researcher uses snowballing sampling techniques to get informants. Feminism has different meanings
depending on each point of view, but basically, feminism is a movement that views the emancipation or equality of women's rights
and men's rights. This is because there are still many women who have difficulty accessing work, politics, and other in big cities.
Feminism also campaigns for empowered women, which are defined as women who have their own ways, abilities, and strengths to
make various choices in their lives. In this day and age, the struggle for feminism is not only fought by women, but also by men.
There have been many challenges regarding feminism campaigns in the past few years because social and political conditions still
seem rigid. The joining of men in feminist campaigns is expected to be additional ammunition to fight for gender equality so that
it does not become mere wishful thinking. The result of the discussion is that the struggle for feminism has received support from
many parties.


