Analisis Perilaku Masyarakat Pada Lingkungan Kumuh Di Kelurahan Sawunggaling Surabaya


  • Taufiqurahman Arsy’ Ramadhani Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Agus Machfud Fauzi Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia


Public; dirty environment; social life; harmony; solidarity


The city of Surabaya is the largest and the second best metropolitan city in Indonesia so that the city of Surabaya is the
center of all economic activities for the residents of East Java Province. This brings several positive and negative impacts,
one of which is the high level of urbanization in the city of Surabaya causing the city of Surabaya to experience excessive
population density. The high level of urbanization that is not commensurate with the economic level of the community has
led to the formation of slum areas that are unfit for habitation, one of which is in the Sawunggaling Village area, precisely
in the area around the Joyoboyo Terminal. From the results of determining the location of the slum settlement environment,
an analysis of the behavior and social life of the people who live in the area is then carried out. This study uses a descriptive
research method with a qualitative approach which will explain all phenomena that occur in a particular community
group. Data collection was carried out in several ways such as interviews, direct observation and supported by several
sources collected through the literature review method. The theory used in this research is the behavioristic theory of B.F
Skiner. The results obtained from this study are that people who live in the Joyoboyo Terminal area have a high level of
harmony and solidarity so that in that area there are very few criminal acts such as theft, robbery, or other criminal


