Perubahan Perilaku Pedagang Sayur dan Buah di Kelurahan Kebraon Setelah Menjadi Merchant


  • Nahdlah Ummul Khair Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Zefanya Azzahra Sapna Clarisa Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Meriyam Juwita Ningtiyas Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia


Trader; centralized interview; e-commerce; merchant; buyer.


In this digital era, people flock to technology as a sign of consumption democracy means technology has became a vehicle for consumers
to take freedom of consumption. On the other hand, there are many demands, especially in terms of trade, so it takes skill to use
online trade channels to market products and understand the actors involved in it. Vegetable and fruit traders as the subjects in
this study used a QR code from Jatimcode as a payment method other than cash in their shop. GrabMart from the Grab application
is also used by vegetable and fruit traders to reach a wider range of consumers. This paper aims to describe the characteristics and
behavior of traders in agricultural commodities in the form of vegetable and fruit, both traditional and modern. This study uses
phenomenological research methods. Phenomenological research is a research whose main focus based on the subjective life experience
of a group or individual. The technique used by the researcher is centralized interview. The researcher chose the centralized interview
technique because it would obtain information by way of direct question and answer with the subject under study using interview
guidelines by noting the points in the interview about how the characteristics and behavior of vegetable and fruit traders after
transforming from the initial only have conventional stores become merchants. Based on the discussion and analysis of the data
obtained, it can be concluded that the transformation of vegetable and fruit traders into merchants causes changes in behavior
experienced by traders and consumers. Sellers entrance into e-commerce requires sellers to be more literate with digital technology
and be able to read whatever is happening in the digital world.


