
  • Muhammad Fadhil Fikri Ramdani Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Angelina a Valent Irene Cahya Putri Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Pangestu Ararya Daffa Wisesa Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia


Reality Toxic Masculinity, Society


Gender inequality is defined as the difference in society's treatment of one gender with another, such as the
treatment of society towards the male gender, where they are treated better than the female gender. Men are
considered as a strong and powerful gender so women must submit to them. Differences in treatment from society
lead to the emergence of toxic masculinity. Toxic masculinity is an unfair treatment for the male gender. The
male gender is considered a strong figure so that it raises a point of view that men should not feel sad, or express
their emotions when they are sad. Men are also human beings who have feelings and hearts, they have the right
to feel sad, weak, and even cry, but because the people's thinking that has been carried over for a long time that
men should not cry causes pressures on the male gender. Researchers used descriptive qualitative research
methods. Qualitative research is based on observations and analyzes people's daily activities. how the community
treats the two genders in every aspect of life, such as the world of work, daily life, and in public transportation
(usually seating placement). descriptive qualitative is a method used to find theories on research at a certain
time. This research is intended to prove that toxic masculinity is an act that cannot be justified and cannot be
accepted by society in general. All the data included is intended to prove that the opinion expressed by the
author is true


