Respon Masyarakat Desa Terhadap Pelaksanaan Kegiatan KKN (Kuliah Kerja Nyata) Mahasiswa Di Desa Temandang Kecamatan Merakurak Kabupaten Tuban
Community response, KKN activitiesAbstract
This research article examines the response of the Temandang Village community to the implementation of various real work
college activities (KKN). The problems raised in this study are: First, how is the response of the village community to the
implementation of KKN program activities. Second, the factors behind the community's response to the KKN program. The
location of this research is in Temandang Village, Merakurak District, Tuban Regency. Informants in the study were conducted
purposively or previously determined by the researcher as data fulfillment. There were 8 informants in the study, consisting of 2
informants as village officials, 1 informant as a former village head, 2 informants belonging to PKK women, 1 informant from
Karang Taruna, and 2 informants from ordinary people. This research is descriptive qualitative, data collection techniques are
carried out by observation, interviews, and documentation. The results of the study show that a community response is formed
from the implementation of attitudes that form an impulse in a person as a result of the stimulus. In this case, the stimulus is
student programs that carry out KKN activities. As a result of the stimulus, it gave rise to a response from various communities,
namely in the form of a response to support each work program, lack of support, refusing the implementation of the Community
Service Program, and low community participation. The factors that cause the various responses of the people of Temandang
Village to KKN program activities are internal factors that come from a person, such as understanding and self-confidence in
KKN. The next factor is external factors that come from outside oneself or one's environment towards socialization activities and
the form of student KKN work programs. Based on the results of research in the field, there are informants who have positive,
neutral responses and reject KKN activities.