Rasionalitas Tindakan Pelaku Tradisi Megengan Desa Gedangan, Kabupaten Ponorogo


  • Nurul Ayu Andari Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
  • FX. Sri Sadewo Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia


Social Action, Megengan Tradition, Posoan Mapag Ritual


The Megengan tradition is one of the Posoan Mapag Ritual traditions which is routinely carried out ahead of the month
of Ramadan. This research was conducted in Gedangan Village, Ngrayun District, Ponorogo Regency, East Java Province. The
phenomenon in the Megengan tradition in this village has its own uniqueness in the process of its implementation, namely Apem
Cake and Sego Ambeng which are food dishes that must be in the customary tradition (Kaum Megengan). Through the use of
data analysis, the verstehen approach (understanding) of Max Weber's social action theory aims to describe the motives and
objectives of the perpetrator carrying out the Megengan tradition. The data collection method used is descriptive qualitative research method by taking data through observation, interview results, and secondary data. The results of this study explain as follows: First, traditional actions, the perpetrators of the Megengan (Gedangan Village) tradition want to continue the routine habits carried out by the previous ancestors. Second, Instrumental Rationality, to achieve the objectives of the actors in carrying out the Megengan tradition according to their financial capabilities and resources. Third, the Rationality of Values, the act of charity in Kauman Megeng is manifested as an expression of gratitude and prayer which they read in the Megengan tradition as a form of tawakkal to Allah SWT. Fourth, affective action, shows that the emotional feelings of traditional actors have a close brotherly bond in maintaining friendship with their neighbor


