Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Preferensi Mahasiswa Dalam Belanja Online
Preferences, Students, Online Shopping, UNESAAbstract
Online shopping has become a dominant phenomenon in the lives of people in general and students inparticular.
Students as one of the important segments in society, have unique preferences in online shoppingthat are worthy of
deeper understanding. Many things can influence student behavior in making online purchasing decisions.
Therefore, the researcher is interested in conducting a study with the title “Factors Affecting College Students’
Preferences in Online Shopping.” This study aims to investigate the factors thatplay a role in college students’ decision to
choose online shopping as their primary choice. This research uses the post- positivism paradigm, quantitative research
method, and survey research type. The data collection technique used a questionnaire distributed to all
Communication Science Students of Surabaya State University, class 2023B totaling 45. The results showed that
tangible evidence is the most influential factor on student satisfaction in online shopping. The implication is the
importance of focusing on product quality in meeting students’ shopping preferences. This research provides valuable
insights for e-commerce companies and online sellers in optimizing their strategies.