Bias Gender dalam Pemberitaan Kekerasan Seksual di Media Online
Discrimination, Gender Bias, Online Media, Cases Of Sexuality, Sexual Violence, Gender EqualityAbstract
This research was conducted with the aim that online media can play a role in increasing
understanding of gender equality. With today's technological sophistication, it is easier for
people to obtain information through online media access. There are many online media that
provide information in the form of news about an event or event that is widely discussed by the
public. However, in terms of information, each media certainly has its own characteristics in its
construction and formulation. In this research, the author uses the literature study method. The
literature study research method is a data collection technique by examining books, searching for
literature data, notes, and also several reports related to the research. In Zed's opinion, the
literature study method is a series of activities related to library data collection methods,
reading, recording, and processing research materials. Online media plays an important role in
people's perceptions of sexual violence news, discrimination and gender bias. The problem is that
online media is still not balanced in portraying the figure of women and gender bias. In the news
text, it is still often found that controversial gender bias occurs. In addition to controversial
gender bias, cases of sexuality are also often found in a media where online media tend to put
themselves in the position of the perpetrator and have not prioritized women as victims of sexual
violence. Therefore, this study aims to determine gender bias in the reporting of sexual violence
against women in online media. This research is a descriptive qualitative research with a
literature study research method. Researchers found that there is no uniform understanding of
the reporting of women in cases that occur in online media. The research results obtained show
that online media need to increase understanding of gender equality so as to minimize the
occurrence of gender bias construction. This case makes it difficult for women to become career
women even though they have the same rights, so continuous efforts are needed from various
fields in society, namely: education, work, and politics. So that women can express themselves