Impression Management di Instagram (Studi Deskriptif Pada Akun @Michikofrizdew)


  • Cerelya Mahaputri Minandra Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Fatmawati Moekahar Universitas Islam Riau


Impression management Front stage, Back stage, Instagram


This research aims to find out the impression management carried out by Michiko Frizdew.
Everyone, especially public figures, tries to do good impression management in order to present a
positive impression in accordance with their goals. The front stage, namely the activities carried
out by the object in her Instagram account, includes the posts she uploads and the back stage,
namely the preparations made to support her appearance on the front stage. The methodology
used in this research is descriptive study with the main data sources obtained from interviews and
observations, while supporting data is obtained from documents and other supporting data. The
theory used in this research is dramaturgy (Impression management), with a qualitative
approach. Based on the results of the study, it can be seen that the impression management
carried out by @Michikofrizdew in her front stage displays three impressions, namely as a
communication trainer, TV presenter, and moderator. These three roles are built with full
awareness and careful preparation so that the front stage requires back stage support. The back
stage is quite well prepared with several influential parties, namely MF communications and
family. MF is the main support system in managing impressions in front of the public.


