Eksistensi Makanan Tradisional Di Tengah Gempuran Makanan Korea
Globalization Era, Existence, Korean Food, Traditional FoodAbstract
The current era of globalization has many influences, not only in the economic, technological
and industrial fields, but the culinary world is also affected by the flow of globalization. The
era of globalization has the ability to penetrate time and space, this statement is proven by
the entry of various foreign foods, for example Korean food, which can be found in Indonesia.
The rise in sales of Korean food has resulted in traditional Indonesian food decreasing in
interest among the public. The purpose of this research was to find out what the existence of
traditional food is like amidst the large number of Korean foods entering Indonesia and how
traditional food business actors continue to maintain their business. The research was carried
out using qualitative methods through interviews with informants who were in accordance
with the journal discussion topic. The research results obtained are that researchers know the
strategies used by traditional food business actors to be able to compete in the market, the
characteristics of traditional food which are a special attraction for consumers, as well as the
challenges faced by traditional food business actors today when public attention is focused
on Korean food. Researchers hope that with this journal, readers can continue to preserve
Indonesian culture through various methods, one of which is preserving traditional food by
buying it or learning to make traditional food.