Interpretasi Lagu “Secukupnya” Di Kalangan Mahasiswa Unesa


  • Ali Ridho Indria Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Mohamad Rizky Effendi Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Kevin Dimas Prasetya Universitas Negeri Surabaya


Interpretation, Music, Song Secukupnya, UNESA Students


This research aims to explore the interpretation of students of Universitas Negeri Surabaya (UNESA)
towards the song "Secukupnya" by Hindia and to understand the emotional impact and messages
taken from the lyrics of the song. The research method used is qualitative with interviews as a data
collection tool. Seven respondents from various cultural backgrounds and personal experiences were
interviewed and analist lyric to gain diverse perspectives, The results of this study revealed that the
song "Secukupnya" had a strong emotional impact on the respondents, triggering feelings such as
confusion, anxiety, exhaustion, and hopelessness. The main themes that emerged in their
interpretations included social pressure, loss of relationships, nostalgia, escape from reality, and
hope. Each respondent took a unique meaning from these song lyrics, but there were similarities in
the messages about the importance of maintaining balance in life, facing challenges, and finding
happiness in relationships and friendships. This research has important implications in
understanding how music and song lyrics can influence the views and thoughts of younger
generations. Songs with social and emotional messages like "Secukupnya" can provide a reminder
of the deeper values in life, especially amidst social pressures to achieve material success. The
findings also underscore the importance of arts education and the use of art as a tool to stimulate
reflection, empathy and social change. The main conclusion of the study is that the song
"Secukupnya" is able to inspire critical thinking, stimulate emotions, and seep into individual
experiences. The messages that respondents took away from the lyrics of this song reinforced the
importance of facing challenges gracefully, establishing meaningful relationships, and finding
deeper happiness in everyday life. This research also provides a basis for future research on the
impact of music in society and how to integrate the arts into education and social awareness.


