Opini Mahasiswa Mengenai Penghapusan Kebijakan Wajib Skripsi
Thesis, Deletion, Opinion, StudentAbstract
Thesis is one of the requirements to complete an undergraduate study program, which can be written
based on the results of field research, the results of literature review, or the results of research &
development (project). Field research thesis is a type of research that is oriented towards collecting
empirical data in the field, whether the research is quantitative, qualitative, or quantitative. This
search is needed to find out how important thesis is according to students, the reasons why thesis is
less effective for students, and other alternatives besides thesis which are the choice of students as
a graduation requirement. The research was conducted in September 2023. The number of
respondents was 7 active students with the method used in this research is the data collection
method, the data was selected to find out the student's opinion if the thesis was really removed. The
results of interviews with seven students said that the thesis is the final assignment of students as a
graduation requirement, of the seven respondents agreed if the thesis was removed or replaced with
other tasks such as internships or projects that can train skills directly. And of the seven respondents
who have been interviewed in their study program, thesis is still required as a graduation
requirement. Therefore, this thesis should not be a requirement for graduation or the final
assignment of students but can also be replaced with internships or conducting research with
lecturers and becoming actors of characters who are not in the program.