Toleransi Antarumat Beragama Etnis Madura Di Dusun Bongso Wetan
bongso wetan hamlet, ethnicity, tollerance, tradition, religionAbstract
Differences between tribes and religions can lead to conflict. But unlike in Bongso Wetan Hamlet,
Pengalangan Gresik village where ethnic and religious differences can make relationships with
each other become close. The purpose of this study was to determine the form of tolerance attitudes
carried out by the people of Bongso Wetan Hamlet. The method in this study is qualitative by using
interview techniques aimed at people who live near Pura Kerta Bumi. The results of the study found
that for the people of Bongso Wetan Hamlet, differences did not cause conflict between them. This
happened because of the high tolerance between religious communities and good social interaction
in Bongso Wetan. There has never been an open conflict in this area illustrates the existence of a
fairly high religious tolerance, even among the diversity of religious communities can occur
cooperation between religious groups with each other. The people of Dusun Bongso Wetan view
that religion and belief are included in each other's personal affairs where there is an awareness
of mutual respect and an agreement not to interfere with each other's beliefs.