Fenomenologi Wanita Melakukan First Move dalam Percintaan
Woman, First Move, RomanceAbstract
This research aims to study more deeply about the phenomenon of women's actions on first move
or in Indonesian it can be called the first step in a romantic relationship. This research applies a
phenomenological approach, where phenomenology is a type of qualitative research method that
is applied to find out the common meaning that is the basis of a concept or phenomenon, which
is consciously and individually experienced by a group of individuals in their lives. The aim of
this research is to understand the meaning in the actions of women who carry them out first move,
their romantic experiences, and the motivation behind the women's decision to take the initiative
first move. This research method involves direct interviews and participant observation of a
number of women who have carried out the research first move in their romantic experiences.
The research results show that actionfirst moves carried out by women based on anxiety about
feelings they have had for a long time and the desire to take control of the relationship, as well
as express interest or love for the man they like. This phenomenon also reflects social and cultural
changes in modern society which provide greater space for gender equality and women's
independence in matters of love. This research provides in-depth insight into the dynamics of love
which previously always started with men moving first and women's contribution in changing old
traditions related to the initiation of romantic relationships.