Peran Akun Twitter BNBP (@bnpb_indonesia) Dalam Penanggulangan Bencana DiIndonesia


  • Prita Salsabela Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Alfiyatuz Zahroh Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Siti Imroatus Sa'adah Universitas Negeri Surabaya


Twitter, Disaster management, Prevention, Response, Awareness


Disaster management has shifted towards social media, especially platforms like Twitter, which have Become a crucial source of information for
disseminating and understanding disasters in this era. In this regard, BNPB utilizes this platform as an information medium for disasters because the
real-time speed and accessibility of information offered by Twitter have become a significant media source in maintaining disaster preparedness and
response. Therefore, we are assessing the role of BNPB’s twitter account in conveying disaster warnings to minimize the impact of these events.
Disaster response is facilitated through tweets shared during emergency situations, making the speed of information crucial for saving lives and
reducing damage. Coordinating and providing assistance for disaster relief efforts through global Twitter interactions can reach as many people as
possible and mobilize abroader support. Educating the public on how to deal with disasters, such as providing disaster mitigation education, promoting
awareness of disaster risks, and offering advice on preparation steps, is essential. Understan ding the community’s response to BNPB’s tweets and the
level of retweets or comments from Twitter users is crucial. In this context, users experience the impact of real-time information when reading
updates to maximize disaster management. Through Twitter, BNPB can optimize its role in more efficient disaster relief efforts.


