Peran Dinas Sosial Dalam Penanggulangan Anak Jalanan Di Kota Surabaya
Street Children, Social Services, Role, CountermeasuresAbstract
The phenomenon of street children is a clear illustration that the fulfillment of children's rights is still far from
expectations. Child development really requires the role of parents so that children's needs and rights can be
fulfilled properly. Social welfare problems demand the presence of the government as a problem solver and meet
the needs of People with Social Welfare Problems (PMKS) in accordance with their duties and functions. As is
known that the function of social services is to organize social welfare programs including empowering vagrants,
beggars, and street children. Social services can be a substitute role for parents needed by street children in terms
of the necessities of life as well as so as to improve their standard of living. The purpose of this study is to find out
how the role of social services in tackling Street Children in Surabaya City and whether there are obstacles in
overcoming them. This research method is qualitatively descriptive. The data source is selected by purposive
sampling. Data collection techniques use interviews, observations, documents. This research uses the theory of
structural functionalism. The result of this study is the Social Service program in dealing with street children in
Surabaya City in the form of handling education in terms of knowledge, handling education in terms of skills,
handling education in terms of attitudes. The obstacle in overcoming street children who have received guidance
is the amount of laziness to learn and when they return to their environment tend to return to live on the streets and
carry out economic activities.