Konstruksi Media Detik.com dan Tribunnews.com dalam Pemberitaan Bencana Banjir Bandang di Blitar 2022


  • Elrisa Diana Kumalasari Universitas Negeri Surabaya


Media construction, Commodification of Disaster News, Framing Analysis, Disaster Sociology, Disaster Journalism


This research began with concerns about the large number of disaster reports dramatized by the
media. In the midst of an increasing trend of disaster events in Indonesia, the role of the media is
increasingly needed as a disseminator of information and education. However, in reality, it shows
the opposite. So important things that need to be informed are neglected. This research aims to
examine how online media is constructed in reporting the flash flood disaster in Blitar which
occurred in 2022. The method used is a qualitative research approach, in the form of literature
study, observation, documentation, and Robert N. Entman framing analysis. This research utilizes
Peter L. Berger's social construction theory and the sociology of disaster perspective as tools for
data analysis. The online media studied are Detik.com and Tribunnews.com. The findings show
that both news portals are developing frames with different views of the flood disaster in Blitar.
Results of problem definition analysis, Detik.com sees floods as a result of natural and man-made
events. While on Tribunnews.com, flood disasters are more described as purely natural events. At
the level of causal interpretation analysis, Detik.com frames the flood event as more caused by
irresponsible human activity, while Tribunnews.com interprets it as God's will. Both online news
portals gave moral evaluations that all parties must work together in dealing with this disaster.
However, calls or providing further and complete recommendations can be found
on Detik.com. The research conclusion shows that in the case of flooding in Blitar, Detik.com is
relatively better at performing the task of disaster journalism than Tribunnews.com.


