Penormalisasian Split Bill Pada Kencan Dalam Kesetaraan Gender
Women, Men, Division, Views, AttitudesAbstract
Gender equality in society is often seen as that men are more dominant than women, but in
essence both men and women have equal degrees and positions. Men are considered to be a
strong and powerful gender, so they are often required to take responsibility for anything related
to responsibility when dating. Responsibility in a relationship is an obligation or duty that must
be carried out by each individual involved in the relationship, but this understanding has a
different meaning for some millennials who feel that a man has high self-esteem to take
responsibility for his partner's food costs, even though some Millennial children have different
opinions and thoughts. This research aims to find out and obtain an overview and perspective of
every teenager who is in a relationship or not in a relationship regarding the split bill culture
which is a trend and problem for teenagers, especially those who are in a relationship. The
method used in this research is a qualitative approach, researchers go directly into the field to
collect data from sources about how split bills affect their relationships. This research was
conducted at University of Surabaya with a total of 7 respondents, namely 5 men and 2 people
are women. After research was carried out and calculated according to the data analysis design,
the data showed that the respondents' responses to men who refused the split bill and were willing
to pay the full cost and were willing to split the bill, men tended to feel that their self-esteem was
measured by how they first looked at a woman, so that women began to feel that it is normal for
men to always pay for activities or meals, but there are also many men who feel it is normal to
split the bill or cut the food bill. The conclusion from the results of the research that researchers
obtained in the field is that men tend to have high self-esteem, especially in the eyes of their
partners regarding responsibility for costs, but it is not uncommon for women to feel that before
they get married or have a family, splitting bills is a natural and obligatory thing to do, gender
differences and self-esteem that creates new cultures and different views in dating or close