Representasi Rebo Wekasan dalam Film “Inang”


  • Nurul Farah Dwi Oktarin FIKOM-UIR
  • Fatmawati Moekahar FIKOM-UIR


Representation, Film, Semiotics, Roland Barthes, Culture


This article describes the representation of Javanese culture in the Rebo Wekasan tradition shown
in the film Inang. Data collection technique used is observation and documentation using sources
consisting of host films, data obtained from books, journals, archives, and so on. The object is a
representation of Javanese culture, namely the Rebo Wekasan tradition which is shown in pictures
and dialogues in the film Inang. This article uses qualitative descriptive research methods using
semiotic analysis techniques by Roland Barthes, with two stages of meaning: denotation and
connotation and relating it to a myth. The results showed that the traditional activities of Rebo
Wekasan carried out by the community were different from what was depicted in the film Inang. In
Inang, the tradition of Rebo Wekasan is depicted to throw bad luck for people born on the night of
the last Wednesday of the month of Safar according to the Hijri calendar and use tumbal babies who
are both born on the night of the last Wednesday in the month of Safar which is believed to throw
away bad luck and prolong the life of the person who sacrifices it. While what happens in the
community, welcoming this tradition begins with holding a night market and art and then continued
with tahlilan, shalawatan, and prayer. Then the giant lemper relay and mountains as a form of
community gratitude to God, then continued with the cutting of giant lemper.

