Penggunaan Media Sosial dalamMinat Belajar Mahasiswa Universitas Negeri Surabaya
Social Media, Learning Interest, Student, Change, LearningAbstract
The development of technology in the use ofsocial media makes changesto student learning intereststoday. Changes that
occur both in the order of thought patterns, learning patterns, and patterns of human action. Social Media plays an
importantrole in the livesofstudents, especially studentsofthe StateUniversity of Surabaya,the role ofsocial media
has a connection with student learning interest in following the learning for the smooth process of teaching and learning.
Studentswith a high interest in learning in the learning process can support the teaching and learning process to be better,
aswell as vice versa lowstudent interest in learning, the quality of learningwilldecrease and affect learning outcomes. So
that is the reason for the team of authors to explain and describe the relationship between the use ofsocial media in the
interest of student learning. This study uses the paradigm of Constructivism by applying qualitative research and
Phenomenological Research Methods in the form of interviews with informants and respondentsfrom Surabaya State
University students to obtain data related to the use of social media in the interest of learning. Based on the results of
the study, the majority ofthe speakersstated that the use ofsocialmedia had an influence on their learning interests,
thiswas basedon the type ofsocial mediathatwas often used by students, namely Twitter(X), Instagram, and TikTok.
It is obtained that there are types of content that can influence the interest in learning, namely educational and
informational content, motivational content, and content thatsmells of new things.