Analisis Determinan Pemilihan Alat Kontrasepsi Akseptor KB Kelurahan Wiyung Surabaya


  • Malinda Wulan Safitri Universitas Negeri Surabaya


Determinant, Contraception, Decision


Contraception is an effort made by the Indonesian government to reduce the rate of population growth by delaying
and preventing pregnancy. This is because if population growth is not balanced with economic growth and
balance, it will cause various problems. Currently there are several types of contraceptives, namely long-term
contraceptive methods (MKJP) and non-MKJP. Based on this, the aim of this research is to determine the
determinants of contraceptive device selection by family planning acceptors in Wiyung Village. This research
utilizes descriptive qualitative methods using consumption behavior theory to analyze the factors that determine
the choice of contraceptives. The results of the research show that currently family planning acceptors tend to
choose non-MKJP family planning such as pills, injections and condoms, this is due to lack of knowledge about
MKJP, experience and history of use, motivation and perception that MKJP is still taboo. Therefore, maximum
efforts are needed by the government, family planning instructors and cadres to provide effective communication
to the community regarding family planning education.


