Pengaruh Tayangan Berita Kekerasan Pada Anak Terhadap Citra Lembaga Pendidikan Kota Lamongan (Studi Kasus:


  • Aninda Putri Sarwandari Universitas Negeri Surabaya


Violence Against Children, News Shows, Lamongan City Educational Institutions


This study aims to determine the effect of violent news shows on children at SMPN 1 Sukodadi, Lamongan on the
image of the educational institution. Acts of violence against children in these locations can occur because it started
from the presence of 19 students who did not wear ciput or headgear before wearing a veil. A teacher with the
initials EWP who saw it was upset and eventually shaved the hair of the 19 students. As a result of this action,
student representatives complained about the teacher's actions to his parents who then followed up with the
principal. This study uses descriptive qualitative methods with data collection techniques by utilizing documentation
techniques. Research sources are used through online news, journal articles, and some e-books that are still related
to the research theme. The selected online news Media is the channel because this news media is trusted
and much in demand by many people. With the news of cases of violence against children at SMPN 1 Sukodadi,
Lamongan is considered to affect the image of the educational institution. The image of an educational institution
that has been built from the beginning in order to always look positive in the eyes of the public must be destroyed
because of the actions of one of the unscrupulous teachers. In following up on this case the principal wants to be
responsible for handling the case by reporting the teacher to the Education Office and trying to bring in a
psychologist for victims who experience trauma. The results showed that the action taken by a teacher is essentially
less appropriate because as a teacher in his philosophy has where digugu and imitated, which digugu means his
words must be accounted for and ditisru means attitudes and actions can be an example for students. The action
taken by the teacher can damage the image of the educational institution, especially this case until it enters the
online news media that can be read by the general public. As a news media, it should also provide factual news so
that the general public can draw the right conclusions on cases uploaded in the news media


