Analisis Framing Media Online Newyorktimes dan CnnIndonesia dalam Pemberitaan Tragedi Kerusuhan Stadion Kanjuruhan


  • Anisatul Khanifah Universitas Negeri Surabaya


Kanjuruhan Stadium Riot, Framing, Police, Soccer, Media, CNN Indonesia, Newyorktimes


In the digital era like today, everything is very easy to access, one of which is through communication media,
individuals can obtain and access the latest information and news from various parts of the world, which can be in
the form of news about the riot tragedy at Kanjuruhan Stadium. The news published by a media that reports on the
tragedy is actually the result of the construction of the online media. So that it contains a "distinctive style" or
something that the online media tries to show readers about the tragedy. This is one of the strengths of language that
can show power and dominance that will affect the general public regarding the reader's knowledge of the meaning
of events that occurred at the Kanjuruhan stadium, one of which is carried out by the online media
and The purpose of this study is to find out how the news framing was carried out by the New
York Times and CNNIndonesia media on reporting on the Kanjuruhan stadium riot tragedy. This study uses the Robert
Nentman model of framing analysis in which it offers aspects of 1) Define problem 2) Diagnose Causes 3) Make Moral
Judgment 4) Treatment Recommendation and critical discourse theory of Hubermas as a complement to the analytical
method in this study. This study shows how New York Times uses language as dominance which shows the
independence of the media in providing criticism and suggestions in a straightforward manner, New York Times also
provides a moral evaluation of the tragedy by emphasizing that there was negligence on the part of the Indonesian
Police, in contrast to CNNIndonesia which tends to be more careful as a style.


