Budaya Konsumtif Belanja Online Dikalangan Mahasiswa
Student, Primary Needs, Technology, Aplication, Secondary Needs, PhenomenonAbstract
Today's students tend to have a consumerist attitude towards online shopping due to technological
advances that are currently widespread in the student environment. This research was created with
the aim of finding out the phenomenon of online shopping using social media/online platforms
among students. The ease of accessing online shopping applications also makes it easier for students
to get the items they need without having to come and meet face to face with the sellers. Students are
known to not want to be complicated and always want to be practical. This online shopping site
makes it very easy for students to buy the items they want without having to spend a lot of time
looking for items directly. This is one of the reasons why students find it difficult to differentiate
between primary needs and secondary needs. This research was conducted using qualitative
methods with a phenomenological approach, namely by exploring and discovering the consumerist
lifestyle habits of online shopping that are currently occurring among students. Through the
constructivism paradigm, this research is based on a social world built from students' experiences
in online shopping. The results of this research show that students' consumptive lifestyle is based on
two things, namely to fulfill self-satisfaction and to satisfy students' sense of prestige