Artikel Indikasi Gangguan Kesehatan Mental Akibat Kecanduan Penggunaan Media Sosial


  • Afita Haniy Phitaloka Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Adella Putri Ramdhani Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Vella Zelica Aldama Universitas Negeri Surabaya


Mental Health, Teenagers, Education, Social Media, Adult


Mental health is something that cannot be separated from what every human being experiences. Not
a few people experience mental health issues, and this happens due to internal and external factors.
Mental health is a condition where there is stability in a person's soul in facing all the pressures in
life, realizing their potential, and being able to contribute well to their environment. Mental health
occurs in every group, both teenagers and adults. However, the majority of mental health problems
occur among teenagers. This is because, during these times, many teenagers actively participate in
various organizations and communities, do assignments from college or school, and have internal
and external relationships, which are several factors for mental disorders. Apart from that, in this era
of sophisticated technology, the existence of smartphones and various social media platforms is also
a triggering factor for mental disorders in society, especially among teenagers. It is not uncommon
for incidents to occur due to the use of social media. Usually, social media is used to share photos
or videos, comment, or link each other's accounts. However, it is not uncommon for bullying to
occur on social media platforms. It can be concluded that there is a need for education about mental
health in the community. This article aims to provide information related to mental health on social
media and the impact of using social media. This research use a qualitative descriptive method of
literature study in analyzing data. Based on this method, this article use trusted sources from articles,
books and journals which are used as references in its study


