Penerapan Nilai Pendidikan Karakter Generasi Muda di Era Digital Society 5.0 dalam menyongsong Indonesia Emas 2045


  • Muh Miftakhul Zulfiansyah Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Diana Atika Nur A Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Moch Ova Nurhabillah S Universitas Negeri Surabaya


Character Education, Youth Generation, Society 5.0 Industry Revolution, Digital Literacy, Indonesia Gold 2045


Character education covers a tremendous amount of positive impact and impact in point of
point that will be taken from 18 points in the character education point itself, among its
religious, honest, tolerance, discipline, hard work, creative, independent, democratic,
educational, patriotic, patriotic, nationalistic, patriotic, nationalistic, patriotic, respectful,
communicative, friendly and communicative, warlike, environmentally, socially, and
responsively. In this era it is necessary to be noticed in both the younger generation of students
and society. Because in the revolutionary industry or digital age of soecity 5.0 we are required
to compete, in critical ways of thinking, to apply appropriate values within the realm of
character education, and to make a positive contribution. That are particularly impacting and
influential in the scope of the younger generation especially students or communities.
Therefore, The purpose of this article is to be used as reference material and consideration of
how a student can realize it as the generation that brings the role of change agent of chance
is particularly good at going up to Indonesia's 2045 gold. In that case digital literacy is
essential for a provision in this regard, for it provides a skill or need that can be used to go
about day in and day out. The important point taken in discussing these issues concerns the
point of democracy, discipline, and social concern between fellow students or society


