Analisis Penggunaan Media Sosial Perusahaan Dalam Menampung Keluhan Pelanggan Di Pdam Tirta Taman Asri Kota Madiun
Social Media, Social Dynamic, Customer ComplainAbstract
PDAM TIRTA TAMAN SARI Madiun City is a regional company that focuses on providing clean
water in urban areas or in certain areas. This company is a regional company that is directly
supervised by the local government, especially the regional government. In its development, this
company makes it easy for every customer to understand every problem that exists in PDAMs that
are used with various kinds of complaints such as jammed meters, blurry meters, leaking pipes,
leaking clutches, long water arrears, small water supply and so on. from PDAM to help its
customers use the water that has been programmed, namely by using social media as a medium to
accommodate every different customer complaint without any sorting but with operational
procedures and standards that are carried out to resolve existing complaints or grievances. The
analysis of this research is how the company's social media from PDAM has been able to
accommodate existing customer complaints well. The theory used to research this analysis is the
theory explained by Agust Comte which focuses on social dynamics, where there are actions and
reactions that arise from the use of social media as a medium or tool to accommodate customer
complaints and reactions which affect work and operational impacts. to resolve problems or
complaints that have been reported via social media.