Persepsi Pelajar Sma Terhadap Kaum LGBTq (Lesbian, Gay, Biseksual, Transgender, Dan Queer)
Perception, Senior High School, LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexsual, Transgender, And Queer)Abstract
As time goes by, every human being goes through a development process. One of them is the
development that high school students experience as teenagers is psychological development.
Apart from physical and language development, teenagers experience emotional and social
development which is one of the keys to adolescent growth and development. High school students
are now on average 16-18 years old, a time when they are in the process of finding their identity.
In this process, they try new things at their own convenience as a form of response to the emergence
of internal and external conflicts that they have experienced. The aim of this research is to
determine the perceptions of high school students regarding LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,
Transgender and Queer). The target object is high school students in general, not specifically and
within a certain environmental scope. The research was conducted using qualitative methods,
where the research used data in the form of the opinions of several high school students by filling
in a link form regarding a survey on LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer)
topics. This interpretive and descriptive method approach was carried out to analyze and explain
the social dynamics of high school students' perceptions of the life around them. The conclusion
obtained is that LGBTQ people are a form of cruel treatment that is against the rules and norms
that apply in society. However, the state has an obligation to respect the human rights of every
human being, especially for minority groups such as LGBTQ people, namely by getting full
protection and treatment for their illnesses