Promosi Budaya Tari dan MusikTradisionalIndonesia Melalui Media TikTok
Culture, Gen Z, Globalization, TikTok, Science and TechnologyAbstract
This research was conducted to find out whether TikTok media has an influence in promoting traditional Indonesian
culture. TikTok is one of the most popular and most influential digital media platforms today. From this research, we can
find out how TikTok is the right place to promote and introduce traditional culture with attractive packaging. In this case,
we want to see one of the efforts of the younger generations to preserve the traditions of their own culture by changing the
pattern of cultural recognition through social media trends such as TikTok which is currently widely used by Indonesian
people. In a TikTok account, users can promote or introduce the culture of their respective regions in different ways.
Ourway tofindoutwhethersocialmediainthe formofTikTok caninfluence cultural promotionin society at large is by
using a qualitative method where we use a questionnaire and give it to people around us regarding TikTok as a way of
spreadingculture in Indonesia and abroad.Accordingtopeoplewho are active in usingTikTok and have filled out the
questionnaire, we agree that TikTok can be a forum for promoting traditional Indonesian culture because almost all
respondentssaid thatsocialmedia in thecurrentera playsa very importantrole in preservingculture.