Analisis Semiotika Pada Film ‘Titik Koma’ Karya Wacana Production


  • Nabilah Qothrunnada Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Ferry Bintang Pratama Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Nurdiyah Shinta Universitas Negeri Surabaya


Film, Semiotics, Titik Koma, Women, Culture


Art or artistic work is the skill of making quality work, such as dance, painting, carving. Art itself has
developed very rapidly from year to year until finally a balanced and harmonious combination of
literary art, music, acting and comedy has been created which is packaged in one form, namely film.
Films have several types, genres and durations, such as films with a short duration which are called
short films. This study focuses on the message in one of the short films entitled "Titik Koma" produced
by Wacana Production. In this short film there is a stigma that women who come home late at night
are considered women of the night. The aim of this research is to straighten out this stigma. This
research uses a critical paradigm research method which is defined as an alternative paradigm related
to societal goals that criticizes and justifies the status quo in society and provides alternative
knowledge to produce a better social order. This research also uses qualitative research methods,
namely semiotics. Semiotics is a scientific discipline and analytical method that can examine the signs
contained in an object to find out the meaning contained in that object. The application of semiotics in
the film 'Titik Koma' is by dissecting and analyzing each scene which becomes the outline and problem
point in the film. The film 'Titik Koma' was originally just to fulfill an assignment, but was included in
the 2022 Astec competition. In this film there are three main scenes which are explained in detail. It
can be seen that there are organizational, complication, and resolution sections. This film itself has
social values in the form of family, culture, education and morals


