Tradisi Mendhak Nyanggring Di Desa Tlemang, Kec. Ngimbang, Kab. Lamongan Sebagai Simbol Syukur Kepada Tuhan


  • Alya Fikriyah Dzihni Kusnanda Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Diva ‘Aidah Sahlaa Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Erlina Firdaus Universitas Negeri Surabaya
  • Neka Tankira Universitas Negeri Surabaya


Culture, Tradition, Mendhak Nyinggrang Ceremony, Tlemang Village, Meaning


Culture is the result of the survival of the nation's people. The implementation of culture seen in
people's lives is also very diverse and one of them is the tradition that is still carried out by the
community. Tradition becomes one form of culture that is passed down continuously. The same is
the case with the tradition of mendhak nyanggring found in Tlemang village, Ngimbang District,
Lamongan Regency. Tlemang Village as a remote area with minimal accessibility has a tradition
that is still thick in the life of the village community, and they usually call the tradition mendhak
nyanggring ceremony. This ceremony has its own uniqueness. However, many outsiders currently
do not know about it. Seeing this, the purpose of this study was to find out the origin, process to
the meaning contained in the mendhak nyanggring ceremony. The research design used in this
study uses a qualitative approach with a phenomenological perspective. Data collection in this
study used participant observation techniques and literature studies. The types and sources of
data needed in this study are primary and secondary data, where primary data are obtained from
the results of participant observation. Meanwhile, secondary data is obtained from several Sinta
(Science and Technology Index) indexed articles that are relevant to the study of the problems
raised, so as to encourage the success and effectiveness of the substance of the discussion of this
article. The results of this study are: (1) The Mendhak Ceremony, which is held every year, is
currently preserved so that people in the village can take the meaning contained therein; (2) The
meanings of this mendhak ceremony can be seen from the symbols in the existing ceremonial


