Aplikasi Kesehatan Online Sebagai Alternatif Media Konsultasi Bagi Para Penderita Kesehatan Mental


  • Alfina Damai Yanti Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Sagita Hokky Lusiana Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Cindy Rahma Tsania Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia


Mental Health; online health apps; technology advances; online consultation


Indonesia is currently experiencing a mental health crisis, it can be seen from the news circulating, namely the number of cases of
attempted suicide by the public. Suicide attempts are not only carried out by adults but from various age groups, ranging from
children to the elderly. Mental health refers to the health of all aspects of a person's development, both physical and psychological.
Mental health also includes efforts to deal with stress, inability to adjust, and how he relates to other individuals. The increasing
number of mental health cases is not balanced with the number of health workers who are experts in dealing with it, so there is a
gap. Inspired by this case and taking advantage of existing technological advances, several companies in Indonesia have started
launching online health applications. Through this application, people can consult about their health problems anywhere and
anytime. Our purpose in making this article is to provide related data regarding the use of online health applications as a medium
for public mental health consultations. In this study, we used a quantitative methodology based on a questionnaire survey. The
article we wrote is also a review of some literature from various sources such as Google and Google scholar. From the data we get,
most people prefer not to consult about their mental health. The conclusion we get is that some people still have low awareness of their mental health, this can be seen by the number of people who do not consult compared to the number of people who consult online.


