Minat Generasi Z terhadap Belanja Online di Dusun Banjarejo Kabupaten Kediri


  • Arini Rahmatul Hidayah Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Aulia Fira Venata Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Berlian Ike Wulandari Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia


Online shopping; technology; Z generation; digital platform


The digital world is increasingly advancing along with technological developments. One of the proofs is in buying and
selling activities. Buying and selling activities are now evolving from conventional shopping to online shopping. The
increasing public interest in buying and selling online is a special concern. One of the concerns about the increasing interest
in buying and selling online is Generation Z, which incidentally is a generation that was born and developed in the digital
world that cannot be separated from social media. With the development of social media and the increasing number of
digital platforms in the field of online shopping, people, especially Generation Z, prefer online shopping over conventional
shopping. Various promotions through advertisements spread on social media make online shopping customers increase.
Various advantages are obtained by consumers in online shopping, such as convenience, practicality, and price effectiveness.
This study aims to measure the level of interest of Generation Z within the scope of Banjarejo hamlet, Kediri Regency
towards online shopping, which is a form of social change from conventional shopping to digital-based shopping (online).
And find out the reasons for the interest in online shopping. The research method used to obtain maximum results is a
quantitative descriptive analysis method based on the results of interviews and filling out questionnaires by Generation
Z. Which is then developed through detailed explanations. The results of the study are the percentage of interest and
increase in online shopping customers, which can be concluded that most of the respondents are more interested in online
shopping which provides more benefits for each consumer.


